“IDC is a
data center that is connected to, and accessed via, the
Internet. It would include almost every corporate data center that is hosting an Internet-visible web server or email server.”
[1]But the main question is who provides these data for people around the world? As we have discussed in our “An introduction to American Studies” class the majority of these spaces goes to the U.S companies. In fact, from all of the hosting services 75% belongs to the U.S and 15% belongs to European countries. The fact is that the more people use these brands like Google, Yahoo, Face book, You Tube and some other current giant data providers the more monopolization is installed.
If we look at the most traffic sites we could see that the big ones are getting bigger and more popular, this leads them to monopolize the information, data and news the people all around the world would be fed by. In this way directing the public thoughts would be easier and for submitting the public opinion, there is no need to wage wars, since they would be convinced in a soft way by receiving what the owners of these giant corporations would provide for them.
The secret of their success aside from a huge data bank reliable and best facilities and applying advanced technologies, is applying some psychological tactics that may seem very trivial but works indeed. For example they avoid advertising in the private space of the users and also they try to indigenize their services, i.e. they use many languages for different countries or provide their services according to different countries. In this way people of different countries feel more convenient to use what they feel theirs, although it has been provided by a totally stranger.
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