Sunday, December 13, 2009

Everything is all right

The history of the U.S has shown that every action is regarded legal as long as there is a written document for that. From the very beginning of establishing this country, they found another nation living there, the Indians. They made treaties with those people while in some instances, they even could not read the treaty and signed it just according to a vague and sometimes false explanation provided with them, and then they were forced to retreat toward harsher lands legally, according to their sign in their treaty. So, the important part of every matter is finding a legal justification. This justification is a bondage to law or the same written document and this is the way that has been followed through time.
The issue of war is not an exception in this respect. If there is a just justification and cause for war, then it will be ok. The beginning wars with Indians were justified because the Indians did not act according to their treaties. Now the recent wars are waged by introducing just cause for it, like war on terror. "The "war on terrorism" purports to defend the American Homeland and protect the "civilized world". It is upheld as a "war of religion", a "clash of civilizations", when in fact the main objective of this war is to secure control and corporate ownership over the region's extensive oil wealth."[1]
In Just War Theory, war is introduced as a humanitarian operation. The image of invader is justified, on the other hand the representation of the enemy is demonized. This new representation is based on convincing the public opinion. People are told that the wars are conducted according to some principles which have of course, a legal and documented origins. Therefore, people always could be assured that everything is lawful and legal.

[1] .

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